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Pipedrive integration
Oleksandra Nesteruk avatar
Written by Oleksandra Nesteruk
Updated over 2 weeks ago

How it works:

- Go to the Integrations tab and choose "Pipedrive". After that, you will have to enter your credentials

- You can pause active integration or delete it


Contact data will be sent to Pipedrive according to the mapped fields.

You need to map the "Closely" field to the corresponding field in Pipedrive. All values from Pipedrive will be displayed in this field.

Add custom value - the ability to add a hardcoded value and this value will be transferred to the mapped field in Pipedrive. For example, if you add "Closely" as a custom value in the "Closely" field, then select "Source" in the Pipedrive field, and "Closely" will be transmitted as the value in the Source field.

You can include an unlimited number of custom values.

Sending contacts to Pipedrive

​1. On the flow of creating a campaign

When creating a campaign, at the final stage of the process, you'll have sync options. They allow you to send contacts to Pipedrive based on different criteria. You have three options to choose from:

  • Sync All Contacts: This option will send all contacts in the campaign to Pipedrive as soon as the campaign becomes active.

  • Sync Only Those Who Accepted the Request: This option will send only those contacts who have accepted the connection to Pipedrive.

  • Sync Only Those Who Answered: This option will send only those contacts who have responded with a message to Pipedrive.

2. Manually syncing the contacts

You can manually sync the contacts from the following tabs: My Network, Inbox. You can also sync the contacts directly via our extension - Closely Surfer

You can sync the contacts one by one or in bulk by previously selecting the leads and clicking on the "Add to CRM" button

3. Creating a deal for the contact

You can create a deal for the contact from the Inbox tab or via Closely Surfer

To create a deal, you need to click on the "Create a deal" button. After that, you can choose the name, pipeline, and stage for the lead

Sending messages to Pipedrive

You can sync both LinkedIn messages and emails to Pipedrive. You can select the syncing on the last of creating the campaign

However, syncing messages and emails depends on the settings for syncing the contacts. If at the last step of creating a campaign, you selected:

  • Sync All Contacts - we sync all outgoing and incoming messages/emails from the start of the campaign

  • Sync Only Those Who Accepted the Request - we sync all outgoing and incoming messages/ emails from the start of the campaign

  • Sync Only Those Who Answered - we sync all outgoing and incoming messages/emails from the start of the campaign

Please note: for the messages/emails, we display the date/time of sending/receiving the message, not the date/time of sync in Pipedrive

Here is how the synced LinkedIn message looks like in Pipedrive:

Here is how the synced email looks like in Pipedrive:

If you have any further questions, please contact us via live chat

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