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View Profile limit - how does it work?
View Profile limit - how does it work?

View, Like and Endorse skill steps in your automation campaigns

Oleksandra Nesteruk avatar
Written by Oleksandra Nesteruk
Updated over a week ago

When choosing actions like "Like post", "View profile", "Endorse skills" or "Find email" for the sequence, it's important to note that these actions share a common limit.
For example, if you choose the action "View profile" and after that the action "Like post", the second action will be performed only after "View profile" is finished for all contacts.
This is because each of these actions requires the bot to perform the same fundamental task - opening a user's profile.
If an action within the sequence requires the consumption of a different type of limit, it will be performed immediately. For instance, if the next action after viewing a profile is sending messages, the bot will begin sending messages as soon as it reaches that step.

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