Lead finder is our database of contacts. Once you open the contact details of one person you are charged with 1 credit. You can export your saved leads to a CSV file.
But before exporting your contacts, we recommend you verify them.
The List verification is a built-in free feature that is used to verify the contacts' details. The process usually takes no longer than 60 minutes (it does not depend on whether you have 5000 contacts or only 10). Also, there is no need to keep the list tab open during the verification process.
To verify the leads, you need to proceed to the Lead Finder > list tab > at the top right
Currently, verification works only for the lists that you created on the Lead Finder page. There is no possibility to upload a third-party CSV file and verify the leads at the moment.
At the top right, there is the stats dashboard with the status of the emails:
Valid emails
Risky emails;
Invalid emails;
Not Verified emails.
The results that you see in the following screenshot are displayed before verifying the emails
After verifying, you will see the pop-up message and the results will be changed:
If you're not sure whether your list is already verified or not, you can check the last cell - the verified list displays 0 there.
Why do I receive fewer verified emails in a CSV file than it shows on the counter?
The counter shows the total number of verified emails. A profile can have two valid emails - a work email and a personal email
Therefore, in the upload there are fewer profiles than the total number of green emails.
Please note: the lists can only be verified one by one. You cannot verify 2 or more lists at one time. When the verification is in progress, the "Verify Email" button is greyed out
If you have any additional questions, we will be glad to help you :)
You can contact us via live chat or email: [email protected]